Delivery Information

Shipping and Delivery

  • Delivery Date
  • Delivery Fees
  • Free Delivery
  • Return an item

Delivery Date
When you place an order online on our website, the expected delivery date is specified on your purchase order you received via email. You can also access your purchase orders from your account. Normally, when the order is made before noon, delivery time is 2 business days. When the order is made after noon, the delivery time is 3 business days.

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Delivery Fees
When you place an order online on our website, delivery charges are payable if: 
· total amount of eligible items is less than the minimum amount required fro free shipping which is 60$.

To determine if an item is eligible for free shipping, visit the page of the item. When the item is eligible, you will find a note indicating that this item is eligible for free shipping.

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Free delivery
When you place an order online on our website, there are no shipping charges when:
· total amount of eligible items is more than the minimum amount required fro free shipping which is 60$ or 500$ for OEM items.

To determine if an item is eligible for free shipping, visit the page of the item. When the item is eligible, you will find a note indicating that this item is eligible for free shipping.

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Return an item
If you have a problem with an item or are unhappy with it, you can return it by post within 45 days of purchase date by following the steps listed in your account under Orders / Returns. If the returned item shows no physical damage or breakage, the amount of the item, charges to return it and applicable taxes will be refunded.
Defects caused by misuse, neglect or manipulation by physical damage or breakage will not be reimbursed. For ink cartridges, if it is used in more than 85%, they will not be refunded.

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